Technology & Design
Key Stage 3
In Key Stage 3, all students follow the Northern Ireland Technology and Design Curriculum which teaches students the skills involved in design and manufacture of a variety of products.
All Key Stage 3 pupils are offered the opportunity to undertake practical making tasks with a variety of materials including wood, metal and plastic. Electronics is also offered in Key Stage 3. Pupils are encouraged to show their creative flair and develop their thinking skills, but most importantly enjoy their experience with us.
As well as designing and making projects, pupils also study graphics in which they can develop their sketching and technical drawing skills before moving onto CAD Software to produce 2D (2d Design) and 3D (Solidworks) technical Models in preparation for GCSE Technology.
Work is continually assessed during and on conclusion of each area of study.
Some of the KS3 projects we offer include:
Year 8:- Noteholder, Desk Tidy, Mood Light and CAD
Year 9:- Clock, Mini Box, Boat, Portable game, Graphics and CAD (Solidworks and 2D Design)
Year 10:-Birdfeeder, Mobile Phone Amplifier, Coat hook, CAD (Solidworks and 2D Design)
Projects are reviewed each year and developed to include the use of new technologies and to suit the interests of the students.
Key Stage 4
At Key Stage 4 we offer GCSE Design & Technology, which involves students learning about many different materials and manufacturing processes. Students will also identify a design problem and follow the design process design and make a fully functional product in the school workshop.
The introduction of new emerging technologies allows pupils to explore the advances made within the product design industry and incorporate these into their thinking when producing their product. The school currently has a 3D printer, laser cutter and the latest versions of Solidworks and 2D Design.
Occupational Studies
Occupational Studies is a course aimed at promoting the development of skills in a chosen area in order to prepare students for the world of work. At Oakgrove students study Bench Joinery in Year 11 and Sheet Metal work in Year 12. This involves 100% controlled assessment in which students produce a folder worth 40% and a practical piece for the remaining 60%.
During the course students develop an understanding of health and safety within the workplace, careers and show consideration for the environment as well as learning the practical skills within each discipline.
Key Stage 5
At Key Stage 5 we offer Design Technology Product Design which is studied under the EDEXCEL exam board.
The theory units in AS and A2 level involve a continuation of those studied at GCSE but are investigated in much more detail. There are also several new topics which require students to challenge their minds and explore through additional research and independent study.
Some of the units studied include:
Processes and Techniques
Factors influencing the development of products.
Effects of technological developments
At AS Level students are set a design task by the exam board which they must design and make a working prototype. This involves extensive research, designing modelling and manufacturing.
During the A2 year of study, students are required to individually and in consultation with a client/end user identify a design possibility and design context from which they develop a range of potential solutions and then realise one through practical making activities. The project must allow candidates
to apply knowledge and understanding in a product development process to design, make and evaluate prototypes and fully operation products.